Reflection & Retrospect


Solo Exhibition, Yáo Space, Taichung, 22 Jun - 6 Jul
個展,窯座,台中,六月二十二日 - 七月六日 (週一二公休)


Artist Statement

I hope to explore the intersection between abstraction and representation through my works.

My depiction of the idea can be divided into two series. It's hard to describe one's inner world or the vastness of outer world with few words. So I decide to realize the concept through a series of small works.

In my small oil paintings, inspired by nature, I repeatedly paint my imaginary scene in certain pattern, exploring the infinte possibility of landscape forms and personal mental state. I see them as a series of portraits that develop constantly.

Woolen paintings are the result of my process in playing around materials. I aimed to find a free approach to simply enjoy making without purpose.I used wools as brushes, embraced accidents and travels on canvases with paints. Moving forward into the unknown through time, just like the world we see.

Ultimately, I hope that my practice can speak its own story and describe the world.







Self Extraction, 2021, oil on canvas paper, 21 cm x 29.7 cm, NTD5000

Self Extraction, 2021, oil on canvas paper, 21 cm x 29.7 cm, NTD5000

All represents one.

Self Extraction, 2021, oil on canvas paper, 21 cm x 29.7 cm, NTD5000

The Way ? , 2022, oil on canvas paper, 21 cm x 29.7 cm, NTD5000

Maybe they’re imaginary, but what I felt is real to me. And I wish to share them with other people.

Roaming Dream/Roaming Peak , 2022, oil on canvas paper, 21 cm x 29.7 cm, NTD5000 
Merging Island , 2021, wool & acrylic on canvas, 80 cm x 65 cm, NTD37500 

Few steps of making art. Suffering, being panic, doing nothing and then making things I don’t know what, why or how.

Cosmic Dust , 2022, wool & acrylic on canvas, 91 cm x 72.5 cm, NTD45000 

I saw lands from afar, from above. Then I realized I live within them.

Vastness , 2021, wool & acrylic on canvas, 91 cm x 72.5 cm, NTD50000 
Roaming Gesture , 2021, wool & acrylic on canvas, 91 cm x 116.5 cm, NTD80000 

I love Gutai group. They create to make their statement with performance and works. Presenting the unspeakable spirit. Making art to prove their existence. That makes their works so alive. So I wish to follow their path and flow with the art.

Flow, 2021, wool & acrylic on canvas, 91 cm x 116.5 cm, NTD80000 
Challenge The Chaos, 2021, wool & acrylic on canvas, 91 cm x 116.5 cm, NTD80000 
Boiling Red, 2022, wool & acrylic on canvas, 91 cm x 116.5 cm, NTD80000 
Wild Dance, 2022, wool & acrylic on canvas, 91 cm x 116.5 cm, NTD80000 
Within All, 2022, wool & acrylic on canvas, 162 cm x 130 cm
Drifter, 2022, oil on canvas, 91 cm x 116.5 cm

Sometimes I think art is like cooking. Maybe I’m not Michelin materials and I think it’s fine. Owning a bistro located in an alley, playing the same old songs I love, and cooking god knows what.


Rough Impression 20220402