Rough Impression Vol. 1

Overall, I set up a project called “Rough Impression” in my second year of uni. My approach is based on oil painting. The main goal is to create a personal style of painting that engraves my own impression into it. The research engages exploration in respond of colors and light. Topics will mainly be based on photos I took, personal memories and imagination. I always find painting is a reflection of myself, on the other hand painting itself also can affect my mood during the process. I wanted to dive deeper to see how the chemistry work.

Rough Impression, oil on canvas paper, 14.8 cm x 21 cm, Aug 2020

I started the project with exploring street views. The strategy involved painting in limited palette. I picked photos with no more than three colors for easier experiments. It begins with a simple principle that I want to document a experience of my own version.

Melbourne Street, oil on canvas paper, 14.8 cm x 21 cm, Aug 2020


Streams of Impression


The Blueprint Triptych